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Germany business, companies


Free search of companies in Germany

We have database of more than 1 100 000+ German companies and we are glad to introduce you to a new feature – full-text search of companies and organizations in Germany, Europe. Full-text search is super fast, one-field, google-like search. Our search services are completely free and open! In the the textbox field below enter what companies you want to find and click the button "Find!":

Suggestions: vermittlung (52,897 companies) von (474,925 companies) unternehmen (140,659 companies)
This is full-text search so you can enter city, company title, branch of industry, phone, website etc. in one field and we will give you the results!

We have found 10,990 German companies with keyword Vermittlung Von Unternehmen/

We are showing only first 20 companies in the list. Please provide more detail keyword (for example, you can add city, industry branch, etc.) for more accurate results.

  1. Michael Gronert Verwaltungs-GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 708971
    • Region/City: St. Georgen im Schwarzwald
  2. Zeitler Immobilien GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 742639
    • Region/City: Kirchheim unter Teck
  3. Atuman GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 29014
    • Region/City: Nürnberg
  4. FFA Franken Versicherungsmakler Verwaltungs-GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 11697
    • Region/City: Wiesentheid
  5. GP Grund-Projekt Röttenbach Verwaltungs GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 7425
    • Region/City: Bamberg
  6. Immosmart GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 201395
    • Region/City: München
  7. IMS ManPower UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    • Company code: HRB 22249
    • Region/City: Mühldorf a. Inn
  8. ISG Vertriebs- und Verwaltungs UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    • Company code: HRB 12216
    • Region/City: Aschaffenburg
  9. VIPJOB24 UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    • Company code: HRB 6459
    • Region/City: Schweitenkirchen
  10. Work Dienstleistungs AG
    • Company code: HRB 11666
    • Region/City: Kempten (Allgäu)
    • Company code: HRB 145234 B
    • Region/City: Berlin
  12. Dornburg Reisen Verwaltungs GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 4940
    • Region/City: Dornburg
  13. MBR Grundstücks GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 14257 FF
    • Region/City: Strausberg
  14. SD-Personalmanagement GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 14226 FF
    • Region/City: Schlaubetal
  15. Felicitas Marx e.K. - Exzellentes Personal für die Medizin
    • Company code: HRA 115364
    • Region/City: Hamburg
  16. BPB beraten planen bauen GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 7524
    • Region/City: Reichelsheim (Wetterau)
  17. FREO Logistics Properties GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 94935
    • Region/City: Frankfurt am Main
  18. Jochem Consulting GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 6387
    • Region/City: Ehringshausen
  19. Property Service Europe GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 15886
    • Region/City: Kassel
  20. Kleespies Projekt Main-Taunus GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 94276
    • Region/City: Jossgrund

We are showing only first 20 companies in the list. Please provide more detail keyword (for example, you can add city, industry branch, etc.) for more accurate results.

Suggestions: vermittlung (52,897 companies) von (474,925 companies) unternehmen (140,659 companies)
This is full-text search so you can enter city, company title, branch of industry, phone, website etc. in one field and we will give you the results!