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Germany business, companies

LLES companies

Free search of companies in Germany

We have database of more than 1 100 000+ German companies and we are glad to introduce you to a new feature – full-text search of companies and organizations in Germany, Europe. Full-text search is super fast, one-field, google-like search. Our search services are completely free and open! In the the textbox field below enter what companies you want to find and click the button "Find!":

This is full-text search so you can enter city, company title, branch of industry, phone, website etc. in one field and we will give you the results!

We have found 1,386 German companies with keyword Lles

We are showing only first 20 companies in the list. Please provide more detail keyword (for example, you can add city, industry branch, etc.) for more accurate results.

  1. BuLo Service UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    • Company code: HRB 145168 B
    • Region/City: Berlin
  2. Jascha Büroservice UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    • Company code: HRB 145299 B
    • Region/City: Berlin
  3. Binstar Trading GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 124849
    • Region/City: Hamburg
  4. OTIDO UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    • Company code: HRB 12409
    • Region/City: Steinbach (Taunus)
  5. Metalldesign Kölle UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    • Company code: HRB 11756
    • Region/City: Bottrop
  6. Personalservice Kauf UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    • Company code: HRB 9904
    • Region/City: Siegen
  7. ADVBU UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    • Company code: HRB 63235
    • Region/City: Kallstadt
  8. Wolfgang Löchner Umweltservice GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 742606
    • Region/City: Weißbach
  9. Grüne Hölle Betriebsgesellschaft mbH
    • Company code: HRB 203861
    • Region/City: Brietlingen
  10. Karl Mölle Verwaltungsgesellschaft UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    • Company code: HRB 27110
    • Region/City: Nördlingen
  11. KNETTENBRECH + GURDULIC IndustrieService GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 43919
    • Region/City: Mainz
  12. Hilker GmbH & Co. KG
    • Company code: HRA 203142
    • Region/City: Friesoythe
  13. DZI - Deutsche Zentrale für Intensivpflegenotfälle Verwaltungs UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    • Company code: HRB 23269
    • Region/City: Essen
  14. HEINZ Umweltservice GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 8281
    • Region/City: Rotthalmünster
  15. rotgruen Wertstoffzentrum und Containerlogistik GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 13267
    • Region/City: Oelde
  16. innenArchitektur meyer-kölle GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 207080
    • Region/City: Burgwedel
  17. Ter Horst Handel, Transporte und Recycling GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 13002
    • Region/City: Bocholt
  18. Bolz Entsorgung GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 6384
    • Region/City: Recklinghausen
  19. VEA Verwertungs- und Entsorgungsdienstleistungen für Abfälle UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    • Company code: HRB 176472
    • Region/City: Grafrath
  20. Werner Bölle Immobilien Verwaltungs GmbH
    • Company code: HRB 709258
    • Region/City: Singen Hohentwiel

We are showing only first 20 companies in the list. Please provide more detail keyword (for example, you can add city, industry branch, etc.) for more accurate results.

This is full-text search so you can enter city, company title, branch of industry, phone, website etc. in one field and we will give you the results!