Blitz-Sauber MUC GmbH

German company
Blitz-Sauber Muc Gmbh
has a rating of
(12 votes)
Company Blitz-Sauber Muc Gmbh was given rating of 4.58 based on 12 votes
Company Blitz-Sauber Muc Gmbh was given rating of 4.58 based on 12 votes
Company code
: HRB 174728Company title
: Blitz-Sauber MUC GmbHFederal state
: (unknown)City
: GröbenzellApplication date
: 2008-08-01Registration date (by court)
: 2008-08-06, on august 06, on wednesday registered companies in GermanyInternet website
: (unknown)E-mail
: (unknown)Phone
: (unknown)Fax
: (unknown)Industry branch, business category
: Allgemeine GebäudereinigungDescription of the business activity
: Durchführung von Reinigungsarbeiten jeder Art.
Comments about Blitz-Sauber MUC GmbH
Address of the company:
- DEPost code: 82194
QR code image
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Company historical / previous names
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Company documents in court:
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