Cebi Gerüstbau GmbH
German company
Cebi Gerüstbau Gmbh
has a rating of
(2 votes)
Company Cebi Gerüstbau Gmbh was given rating of 4.5 based on 2 votes
Company Cebi Gerüstbau Gmbh was given rating of 4.5 based on 2 votes
Company code
: HRB 21406Company title
: Cebi Gerüstbau GmbHFederal state
: (unknown)City
: LünenApplication date
: 2008-08-15Registration date (by court)
: 2008-08-22, on august 22, on friday registered companies in GermanyInternet website
: (unknown)E-mail
: (unknown)Phone
: (unknown)Fax
: (unknown)Industry branch, business category
: (unknown)Description of the business activity
: die Ausführung von Gerüstbauarbeiten und der Verleih von Gerüstbaumaterialien, Industriereinigung, Abbrucharbeiten und Ausführung von Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit der Ausführung von Bauarbeiten.
Comments about Cebi Gerüstbau GmbH
Address of the company:
- DEPost code: 44536
QR code image
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Company historical / previous names
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Company documents in court:
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