German company
Ipilot Germany Limited
has a rating of
(10 votes)
Company Ipilot Germany Limited was given rating of 4.2 based on 10 votes
Company Ipilot Germany Limited was given rating of 4.2 based on 10 votes
Company code
: HRB 189989Company title
: (unknown)City
: FreisingApplication date
: 2011-01-17Registration date (by court)
: 2011-01-19, on january 19, on wednesday registered companies in GermanyInternet website
: (unknown)E-mail
: (unknown)Phone
: (unknown)Fax
: (unknown)Industry branch, business category
: (unknown)Description of the business activity
: Betrieb eines Shops auf dem Flughafen München, der Passagieren, Besuchern des Flughafens, Piloten oder sonstigen Flugbegeisterten die Möglichkeit bietet, in einem Flugsimulator wirklichkeitsgetreue Flüge zwischen selbstgewählten Abflug- und Zielorten gegebenenfalls unter Mitwirkung eines Piloten oder sonstigen ausgebildeten Anleiters in einer Boing 737 oder einem vergleichbaren Flugzeug zum Zwecke der Pflege der eigenen Flugbegeisterung, der Aus- oder Weiterbildung oder Bekämpfung der Flugangst selbst zu fliegen.
Address of the company:
- DEPost code: 85356
Keywords / tags
German company Ipilot Germany Limited was found with these keywords:
– flughafen – 737 –QR code image
In this section of the page you can see QR code picture of german company Ipilot Germany Limited. QR code is small image with encoded company information. To decode QR code image you have to use special app on your mobile device.
Company historical / previous names
We have no information about historical names of the company.
Company documents in court:
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