Multimedia Service Niederrhein GmbH
German company
Multimedia Service Niederrhein Gmbh
has a rating of
(16 votes)
Company Multimedia Service Niederrhein Gmbh was given rating of 4.19 based on 16 votes
Company Multimedia Service Niederrhein Gmbh was given rating of 4.19 based on 16 votes
Company code
: HRB 9450Company title
: Multimedia Service Niederrhein GmbHFederal state
: (unknown)City
: GeldernApplication date
: 2009-01-08Registration date (by court)
: 2009-01-09, on january 09, on friday registered companies in GermanyInternet website
: (unknown)E-mail
: (unknown)Phone
: (02831) 1341625Fax
: (0800) 524562222Industry branch, business category
: Verlegen von Büchern und Zeitschriften, sonstiges Verlagswesen (ohne Software)Description of the business activity
: Die Herausgabe und Verlegung von Publikationen, das Vertreiben, Vermarkten und Vermitteln von Internetseiten und Internetportalen, alle Tätigkeiten und Dienstleistungen im Bereich Druckvorstufe, Web-De-Sigma und Web-Programmierung und Werbung bzw. Werbemitteln, ferner die Vermarktung von Informationen und Datenmaterial sowie die Beratung und Betreuung von Kunden.
Comments about Multimedia Service Niederrhein GmbH
Address of the company:
- DEPost code: 47608
QR code image
In this section of the page you can see QR code picture of german company Multimedia Service Niederrhein Gmbh. QR code is small image with encoded company information. To decode QR code image you have to use special app on your mobile device.
Company historical / previous names
In this part of the page you can view the list of alternative names of company Multimedia Service Niederrhein Gmbh:
- DynaTec Services GmbH
Company documents in court:
We have no information about company documents in court.
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