Companies near postcode 14109 in Germany
Free lists of german companies near this post code
This page contains the list of companies located near postcode 14109.
Companies near 14109 zip code
Only first 40 companies near postocde 14109 are shown. If you want to get more accurate results, please use search box.
- K. J. Michels Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH
- Company code: HRB 145127 B
- Region/City: Berlin
- Nemoralis Beteiligungs UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Company code: HRB 145399 B
- Region/City: Berlin
- wannseeFORUM UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Company code: HRB 144849
- Region/City: Berlin
- J&J Immobilien UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Company code: HRB 144681
- Region/City: Berlin
- KB Impuls Service GmbH
- Company code: HRB 144461
- Region/City: Berlin
- Famel GmbH
- Company code: HRB 144348
- Region/City: Berlin
- Hentrich Engineering UG (haftungsbeschänkt)
- Company code: HRB 144399
- Region/City: Berlin
- AC - Immobilien Inhaber: Dipl. Kfm. Alfred Christmann e.K.
- Company code: HRA 47260
- Region/City: Berlin
- Brillant 1525. GmbH
- Company code: HRB 143944
- Region/City: Berlin
- ALANA Estate & Investment Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Company code: HRB 143847
- Region/City: Berlin
- Terra Stahl- und Metallbau GmbH Bautzen
- Company code: HRB 143823
- Region/City: Berlin
- Spatial Foresight Germany GmbH
- Company code: HRB 143359
- Region/City: Berlin
- Terra Libra - gemeinnützige Gesellschaft zur Bildung von sozial innovativem Nutzungseigentum mbH
- Company code: HRB 143373
- Region/City: Berlin
- Haare und Seele UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Company code: HRB 143195
- Region/City: Berlin
- BEVM Wissensmanagement GmbH
- Company code: HRB 142145
- Region/City: Berlin
- Pleximedia GmbH
- Company code: HRB 142014
- Region/City: Berlin
- Company code: HRB 141765
- Region/City: Berlin
- fidusNet communication GmbH
- Company code: HRB 141297
- Region/City: Berlin
- AUTOVAL UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Company code: HRB 141305
- Region/City: Berlin
- Lutegra Baugesellschaft UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Generalübernehmer für Aus- und Umbau
- Company code: HRB 141025
- Region/City: Berlin
- Ortenburger GmbH
- Company code: HRB 141045
- Region/City: Berlin
- Matthias Fritz Roeder GmbH
- Company code: HRB 140966
- Region/City: Berlin
- C.A.N. Aqua Nautica GmbH
- Company code: HRB 140904
- Region/City: Berlin
- BGM Associates GmbH
- Company code: HRB 140552
- Region/City: Berlin
- Pro Shop Wannsee Neeße & Schumacher OHG
- Company code: HRA 46419
- Region/City: Berlin
- Wannsee Hof GmbH
- Company code: HRB 139732
- Region/City: Berlin
- Duske Technologies UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Company code: HRB 139673
- Region/City: Berlin
- AWB - Architekturwerkstatt Berlin Planungsgesellschaft mbH
- Company code: HRB 139630
- Region/City: Berlin
- Immanuel-Gegenbauer Service GmbH
- Company code: HRB 139636
- Region/City: Berlin
- Dr. C. Elfe Lecturing UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Company code: HRB 139511
- Region/City: Berlin
- NaturKulturGut Jägerhof gemeinnützige GmbH
- Company code: HRB 139444
- Region/City: Berlin
- Erste ROGER-LAND Grundbesitzverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
- Company code: HRB 139394
- Region/City: Berlin
- RADZUN Verlag e.K.
- Company code: HRA 46088
- Region/City: Berlin
- "Prinz Leopold" Hotelbetriebs GmbH
- Company code: HRB 138483
- Region/City: Berlin
- KPV-Anlagen Betreibergesellschaft mbH
- Company code: HRB 137623
- Region/City: Berlin
- Jörg Buse GmbH
- Company code: HRB 136968
- Region/City: Berlin
- Jahn Parkhausgestaltungen e. K.
- Company code: HRA 45668
- Region/City: Berlin
- Reisen à la carte GmbH
- Company code: HRB 136438
- Region/City: Berlin
- Nadia Hönow e.K.
- Company code: HRA 45518
- Region/City: Berlin
- Niemanns Medi-Terran UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Company code: HRB 135366
- Region/City: Berlin
Only first 40 companies near postocde 14109 are shown. If you want to get more accurate results, please use search box.